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ProCeasc No sample pre-treatment No Heated Lines1 Multi-Components Pre-Calibrated No interference No Drift ' EASE-OF-I The ProCeas® allows digital (Ethernet, RS485, RS232, ModBus), analog and TDR I/O’s. ' ROBUSTNESS The ProCeas® contains no optical moving parts and was designed and built strictly for industrial and on-board mobile applications. ' LOW MAINTENANCE High MTBF. In addition to containing no moving optical components, the IR sources (telecom type laser) are characterized by MTBF’s of 5 years. ' CLEAN LINES / FILTERS The low pressure sampling system enables low flow rates (3-9 L/h) without degrading response time. Accumulation of contaminants Unes and filters is greatly reduced. ' SAFE ATEX compliant configuration available. ProCeas® N2O Trace analyzer Low level N2O Detection in Pure Gas O The ProCeas® N2O is a complété pre-calibrated laser infrared spectrometer for measurement of louu level of the greenhouse gas N2O in combustion process and pure gas. x The ProCeas® N2O uses the patented OFCEAS (WO 03031949) IR Laser technologyfor enhanced specificity, selectivity, accuracy and stability (no instrumental response drift.) ' The ProCeas® N2O uses a patented low-pressure sampling system (WO 2010058107) enabling low-cost installation thank to non-heated Unes1 and reduced maintenance. The ProCeas® N2O is a complete, reliable, robust, low-cost and easy-to-use solution for the N2O analysis in combustion process and pure gas. ProCeas® Advantages & Benefits ' DIRECT MEASUREMENT No sample pre-treatment. OFCEAS technology associated with low pressure sam-pling enables direct measurement. The low pressure in the sampling system removes any risk for chemicals adsorption/desorption and condensation in the line. ' NO INTERFERENCE OFCEAS technology associated with low pressure sampling provides exceptional selectivity, enabling si-multaneous multi-component measurement without interferences, regardless of the matrix. ' NO RE-ZERO; NO DRIFT The zero information is contained in the signal, enabling automated and intrinsic re-zero of the analyzer. ' EASE-OF-USE The ProCeas® is pre-calibrated for your application. Ini-tially packaged in a standard 19”rack, it includes a touch screen interface and on-board PC for local / remote control and real time display / recording of results. Requires ambient temperature > 10°C and H2O < 65 % vol
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 1
Flow Rate : H2O(g) < 65% vol. - Standard H2O(g) > 65% vol. – Study Required 1 atm. ± 100 mbar @ sampling point Sampling Line : Ambient Temp. > 10°C et H2O <65% vol. > Simple polytube (no heating) Ambient Temp. < 10°C et H2O >65% vol. > 80°C heated line DIMENSIONS Size : standard 19”, 4U rack. 550 mm depth. Ethernet Protocol; RS 485 RS 232; ModBus. Analog I/O; TDR I/O. Other I/O’s on request ANALYTICAL SPÉCIFICATIONS Rangea Gas min 50ppm 50ppm 50ppm N2O Optional CH4 NH3 Response Time Zero Drift : adjustable range on request b limit of detection 3 Sigma SPECTRA (Examples) - 200 equidistant...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 2Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) AP2E
Analyseur ProCeas® H2O Trace
2 Pages
Analyseur ProCeas® HF
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3 Pages
AP2E Ambient Air Analyzer
5 Pages
4 Pages
ProCeas® GENERAL analyzer
2 Pages
ProCeas® H2S analyzer
2 Pages
ProCeas® NH3 DeNOx analyzer
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ProCeas® HCI analyzer
2 Pages
ProCeas® HCN analyzer
2 Pages
ProCeas® CH4 analyzer
2 Pages
ProCeas® NH3 analyzer
2 Pages
ProCeas® CO analyzer
2 Pages
ProCeas® O2 analyzer
2 Pages
ProCeas® SO2 Trace analyzer
2 Pages
ProCeas® H2O dryer analyzer
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LaserCEM® gas analyzers
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ProCeas SO2/SO3 analyzer
2 Pages
ProCeas H2O LNG analyzer
2 Pages
ProCeas H2 purity analyzer
2 Pages
ProCeas NH3 DeNOx a nalyzer
2 Pages
ProCeas NOx Trace analyzer
2 Pages
ProCeas H2 Trace analyzer
2 Pages
ProCeas H2S LNG analyzer
2 Pages
ProCeas CO Trace analyzer
2 Pages
ProCeas NH3 Trace analyzer
2 Pages
Catalogues archivés
2 Pages
ProCeas H2S
2 Pages
PPrrooCCeeaass CCO
2 Pages
Epsilon 5000
2 Pages