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POWER SYSTEM MONITORING SIGNAL CONVERTER OF THE PREMIUM CLASS SINEAX V604s is a high-performance intelligent signal converter unit with a very high basic accuracy of 0.1 %. However, SINEAX V604s is more than a simple isolation amplifier or temperature transmitter. The instrument may be adapted to the most varied measuring tasks via the MODBUS/RTU interface integrated as a standard and the CB-Manager software available free-of-charge. This multifunctionality in combination with very easy operation results in a wide range of applications of classical tasks, e.g. temperature measurement or...
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POWER SYSTEM MONITORING AS VERSATILE AS A SWISS ARMY KNIFE INPUT VARIABLES, MEASURING RANGES TYPE OF MEASUREMENT MEASURING RANGE MINUMUM SPAN DC voltage DC voltage DC current Resistance RTD Pt100 RTD Ni100 TC Type B TC Type E TC Type J TC Type K TC Type L TC Type N TC Type R TC Type S TC Type T TC Type U TC Type W5Re-W26Re TC Type W3Re-W25Re 2 relays (change over) Digital output (SO) CUSTOMISED ADAPTATIONS SINEAX V604s may be quickly and easily adapted to the measuring task using CB-Manager software. Direct currents, direct voltages, resistances, potentiometers, thermocouples and resistance...
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POWER SYSTEM MONITORING HIGH-LEVEL SAFETY Electromagnetic compatibility PERSONAL SAFETY SINEAX V604s offers protection for people and plants through consistent galvanic isolation of the input, output and power supply circuits. The instrument provides reinforced insulation according to overvoltage category III (Operating voltage 300 V) resp. according to overvoltage category II (Operating voltage 600 V) / test voltage 3.7 kV. PROCESS SAFETY SENSOR DRIFT Sensor drift monitoring concerns the difference of 2 input sensors. If a previously defined deviation is exceeded, an alarm can be issued....
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POWER SYSTEM MONITORING PROCESS SAFETY High Single temperature measurement Redundant temperature measurement SENSOR REDUNDANCY If safe and comprehensive temperature measurement is required, SINEAX V604s realises redundant measurement. The instrument measures a temperature using two independent sensors. If a failure occurs in one sensor (short circuit or breakage), V604s switches to the correctly working sensor without any interruption. At the same time, the failure is indicated so that the defective sensor can be replaced. Measurement continues during the sensor change and subsequently uses...
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POWER SYSTEM MONITORING LOAD MONITORING/ENERGY STORAGE + Energy storage discharge Verbraucher Analogue display (Volt) POWER MEASUREMENT SINEAX V604s measures direct voltages up to 600 VDC and can use them in the calculation of further variables. For example, the voltage and the current may be acquired and used directly to calculate the power. Since SINEAX V604s has several outputs, other values may be transmitted apart from power. Simultaneous monitoring of limit values does not present any problem either.
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POWER SYSTEM MONITORING Refrigerated warehouse The redundant measurement of critical temperatures constitutes a typical area of applications for SINEAX V604s. In refrigerated storage, for example, the documentation of uninterrupted cooling is often demanded. If the temperature deviates from the target value at the measuring points for a defined period of time or if records are not available for this period of time, the stored goods can mostly not be used any more for reasons of safety. In this case, SINEAX V604s offers a safe solution because it measures with 2 independent temperature...
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POWER SYSTEM MONITORING LIMIT VALUE/GRADIENT MONITORING Lim ON Lim OFF Y Start Gradient monitoring Pasteurisingplant Tank farm FAST MEASUREMENT WITH VQ604s SINEAX VQ604s is well-suited to measure rapid signal changes. The instrument is in a position of recognising an input change within from 10ms and issuing the output of this change correspondingly. Such fast signal changes occur, for example, in the following measurements: • Arcs in welding facilities, cutting facilities or in glass melting • Fast pressure changes • Temperature monitoring in coating processes If a sudden change of a...
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POWER SYSTEM MONITORING MINI-REMOTE I/O FUNCTIONALITY WITH VB604s Fieldbus Classic Channel Fieldbus card Field distributor Field instrument Communication Measured values / control pulses Field level Control room The SINEAX VB604s version activates a bidirectional control via the MODBUS interface which enables the instrument to act as a remote I/O component. The inputs are “decoupled“ from the outputs which means that a change at the inputs does not have a direct effect on the outputs any more. Both outputs as well as the relay may be directly switched via the MODBUS interface. SINEAX VB604s...
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POWER SYSTEM MONITORING PARAMETERISING, SERVICE AND MEASURED VALUE ACQUISITION CB-Manager software individually configures all SINEAX V604s variants. The software is included in every instrument delivery or is available for download free of charge from our web page www.camillebauer.com. CONFIGURATION: All settings are comfortably arranged via the CB-Manager software. Users are guided step by step through the settings. Depending on the selected settings, only those functions are subsequently released which make sense in the respective context. The following groups may be configured: •...
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Subject to change without notice
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 12Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Camille Bauer Metrawatt AG
Convertisseur de signal
4 Pages
Famille de SINEAX V604s
12 Pages
8 Pages
2 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
Power System Monitoring
8 Pages
Position sensor
8 Pages
Camille Bauer
12 Pages
10 Pages
SIRAX Monitor-Series
8 Pages
SINEAX DME 424/442
21 Pages
89 Pages
4 Pages
32 Pages
4 Pages
12 Pages
8 Pages
LINAX PQ-series
12 Pages
Videographic recorder
8 Pages
Our core product range
20 Pages
6 Pages
4 Pages
Catalogue Industrial Instrumentation
140 Pages
Catalogues archivés
Technique de mesure de process
80 Pages
Mesure d’angle de rotation
64 Pages
Heavy Current Engineering
76 Pages
16 Pages