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HSM Heating System Manager for 61AF/61WG units 50 Hz Heating System Control accessory for 61AF und 61WG units Accessoire de Régulation du système de chauffage pour unités 61AF et 61WG User manual Manuel d’utilisati
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The illustrations shown on the cover page and inside this document are for information only and not contractually binding.
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1 - SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS 2 - DESCRIPTION 1.1 - General Installation, start-up and servicing of equipment can be hazardous if certain factors particular to the installation are not considered: operating pressures, presence of electrical components and voltages and the installation site (elevated plinths and built-up up structures). Only properly qualified installation engineers and highly qualified installers and technicians, fully trained for the product, are authorised to install and start-up the equip-ment safely. During all servicing operations all instructions and recommendations which...
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User interface Enter key - Validation - Selection access Electrical data and operating conditions • The equipment has a single power connection point immediately upstream from the main disconnect switch (power supply 230 V - 50 Hz on the terminal strip). • All system connections and the electrical installation must be in accordance with all applicable local codes. • The operating conditions are as follows: - indoor installation, - ambient temperature range: from +5°C minimum temperature to +40°C, - altitude < 2000 m, - water presence: possibility of water droplets, - presence of hard...
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4.2 - Default screen characteristics Heat Pump Alarm State Hp_alarm_0 Pulldown Timer timer30 min Sanitation Timer sanitime 0 min Password selection screen The control accepts on/off inputs in any operating mode. The inputs are: • Anti-legionnella contact • Volt-free summer contact (to prevent heating) 3.6 - The controls 3.6.1 - Water piimps Depending on the configuration, the control regulates the following pumps or circulators: P1 Pump for water loop 1 (radiators) P2 External water pump for the heat pump P4 Pump for water loop 2 (floor heating) P5 Pump to reheat the domestic hot water...
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4.4 - Menu screen characteristics The following screen allows modification of a parameter. Current path in the menu structure Modify value Screen description STATUS SETPOINT INPUT OUTPUTS RUNTIME ARLMENU CONFMEN QCK_TEST MAINTAIN LOGOUT General Parameters Menu Description of the menu framed by the selection cursor Each menu item defines the access to categorised data. The Up and Down arrows and Q position the cursor at the current item. The Enter O key activates the display of the selected sub-menu. The item LOGOUT permits exiting from the menu screen and protects access by a user password....
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4.9 - Detailed menu description 4.9.1 - STATUS menu Format Units MODE Operating mode hp_alarm Heat pump alarm status Anti-legionella treatment time delay HL1_CTRL Control point, loop 1 BCK_CTRL Control point, back-up heating HP_CTRL Heat pump control point 4.9.2 - SETPOINT menu Point DescriptionFormatDefault Units hl1_stp Setpoint loop 110.0 to 25.0 17.0 °C hl1_oat Outside temperature threshold, loop 1 5.0 to 30.0 17.0 °C dhw_stp Setpoint loop DHW45.0 to 65.0 55.0 °C dhw_low Low-temperature override DHW_1.0 to 10.0 10.0 AC sani_stp Anti-legionella treatment setpoint60.0 to 80.0 65.0 °C...
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Format Units Yes/No - 4.9.5 - RUNTIME menu PointDescriptionFormat Units hrhppmp Number of operating hours, external pumpnnnnn Hours hrhllpmp Number of operating hours, loop 1 nnnnn Hours hrhl2pmp Number of operating hours, loop 2 nnnnn Hours hrdhwpmp Number of operating hours, DHW pumpnnnnn Hours hr_hpNumber of operating hours, heat pumpnnnnn Hours hr_bckup Number of operating hours, back-up heating nnnnn Hours Item Description ALRMMENU Alarm initialisation RST_ALM Alarm reset_ ALM_Alarm status_ GEN_CONF General configuration menu PUMPCONF Pump configuration menu HL1_CONF Configuration...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 8 - DATETIME sub-menu Point Description_ minutes Minutes_ tom_hol Holiday tomorrow? tod_hol Holiday today dlig_off Winter time change-over active? dlig_on Summer time change-over active? d_of_m Day of the month_ month Month_ year Year Format Default Units 0 to 24_hours - CTRL_ID sub-menu PointDescriptionFormatDefault elemt_nbElement number1 to 23970 bus_nbBus number0 to 2390 baudrateCommunication speed 9600/38400 9600 HEATING SYSTEM MANAGER Description ECG-SR-20HF9xxx Software number Serial number * xxx corresponds to the software version (example 010 corresponds to 1.0)....
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Model B - Accessory HSM-00PPG000488100- heating control system type B Heating system control (as accessory 00PPG000488000-) two heat emitter types or independent zones and domestic hot water production: Allows control of a non-reversible heating system that includes a 61WG/61AF heat pump and two different heat emitter types and/or two independent comfort zones. For optimised energy efficiency the heat pump is controlled by a configurable weather compensation system. The control box controls a back-up electric heater or a standy-by boiler. The control box supplies power to the circulating...
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Model C - Accessory HSM-00PPG000488200- heating control system type C Heating system control (as accessory 00PPG000488100-) with the possibility to obtain additional heating and domestic hot-water production capacity from a district heating system: Allows control of a non-reversible heating system that includes a 61WG heat pump and two different heat emitter types and/or two independent comfort zones. For optimised energy efficiency the heat pump is controlled by a configurable weather compensation system. The control box controls the heating and/or domestic hot-water production support...
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6.1 - Start/stop control The HSM operates as soon as power is supplied, the ÜS key of the user interface has no effect. 6.2 - Outside air temperature The outside air temperature value is required for correct operation of the HSM. It can be acquired in two different ways (depending on the configuration): • Measured by a thermistor connected to the HSM control • Read on the heat pump control via the CCN bus. 6.3 - Summer mode The summer mode is automatically activated, based on the outside air temperature. The summer mode is activated, if the outside air temperature rises above ’oat_hl1’ for...
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