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LRF-05 Frequency Sound Level Recorder-Limiter The LRF-05 frequency sound level recorder-limiter measures, records and controls the sound pressure level in the establishment where it is installed. The LRF-05 is inserted into the reproduction chain, between the mixing desk and the crossover, intervening in the entire sound chain. Main Characteristics • Frequency-Filter Sound Pressure Level limiter based on the measurement of SPL • It does not cut out the music. With the ENOS (Extraneous Noise Override System) option the reproduction of music in venues such as bars, pubs and cafés is possible. • Control by emission Sound Pressure Level or reception SPL (insulation) • 50 dB correction range (attenuation) • Registers acoustical parameters like LAeq, LAeq1’max, LAeq1’min, LFmax, and percentiles (interval and sessions) • Registers all incidents: Disconnection from the mains, sensor tampering • Can be completely sealed • Adaptable to any kind of regulation • Data retrieval by serial connection with PC and modem. • Internal continuous selfverification system • Several predictive control algorithms D_LRF05_v0025_20100204_ENG • Massive Data Storage for periods longer than 1 month The LRF-05 automatically corrects excesses in the musical signal level of up to 50 dB. If this 50 dB is exceeded, the LRF-05 penalises with a 60 dB attenuation during a programmable time interval. The wide dynamic attenuation range provides the user of the sound system with considerable room for manoeuvre in which the LRF-05 corrects the signal level excesses without restrictive attenuations. The LRF-05 is equipped with different predictive reply algorithms for this function, ranging from the most stable, based on the (recommended) Leq10s parameter to the most restrictive, based on Leq125 ms. The LRF-05 includes the ENOS (Extraneous Noise Override System) option, specially designed for music reproduction in venues with a high level of ambient noise: bars, pubs etc. It does not cut out the music. The LRF-05 functions according to the sound levels measured in the establishment by means of a sensor designed on the basis of the latest technology developed by CESVA in the field of sound measurement and/or according to the sound pressure levels in the dwelling next door to the establishment, calculated on the basis of the levels measured by the sensor by octave bands (centred on 31.5 Hz, 63 Hz, 125 Hz, 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 4 kHz and 8 kHz) and of the existing insulation levels, by octave bands, between the establishment and the dwelling. This spectral function allows the user to obtain the maximum sound pressure level in the establishment without exceeding the permitted sound level limit in adjacent buildings. The LRF-05 is also equipped with a recording function that allows the user to store information concerning sound levels measured in the establishment and concerning incidents that occur, (tampering with the equipment), during a minimum period of one month, (Leq time over 6 minutes). The LRF-05 allows you to programme the periodicity of information storage, (from 2 min. to 1 h. in 1min. steps). The information for each session is also stored, allowing you to demonstrate the sound levels generated by your activity to the authorities. The information stored can be retrieved directly from the LRF-05, by transferring it to a PC via a serial port or modem. The LRF-05 works by connection to the mains. When the LRF-05 is disconnected from the mains, it records this incident and turns off automatically, attenuating to 60 dB until the next time it is connected to the mains. The information stored is not lost. When the unit is connected to the mains once more, the LRF-05 continues to function as normal. A luminous remote display can be connected to the LRF-05, allowing you to observe from anywhere in the establishment, and in real time, the sound pressure level measured along with the attenuation level applied by the LRF-05. The LRF-05 is equipped with an internal continuous self-verification system that allows you to detect and record possible tampering with both the measurement equipment and the musical chain.
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LRF-05 Technical Specifications Inputs and Outputs Audio Inputs and Outputs Asymmetrical E/S Connectors (non-balanced): RCA Symmetrical E/S Connectors (balanced): Input: XLR female Output: XLR male Input impedance: 100 kΩ Output impedance: 100 Ω Minimum output charge: 47 kΩ Total harmonic distortion (THD): < 80 dB Absolute maximum input level: ±18 V Maximum input level without distortion: ±14 V Frequency response (± 0.5 dB) 20 to 20.000 Hz Typical noise (20 – 20,000 Hz): Balanced: 180µV Non-Balanced: 130µV Sensor Measurement range: 60 – 120 dB Frequency range: 20 — 20.000 Hz Octave Filters...
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LRF-05 Software Windows® 9x/Me/2000/NT/XP/Vista/7 The LRF-05 is supplied with the software application that allows you to: • Display sound level and incidences in real time. • Generate graphics. Time history of the sound levels • Obtain data in electronic format • Programme all the parameters by modem. • Create reports in 6 different languages. • Programme the LRF-05 with a special tool. Real time data acquisition by modem Test MODEM configuration Programming of the LRF-05 Graphic display of data (sound levels and incidences) Generation of reports The characteristics, technical...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 3Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) CESVA
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