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MX014 Microphone C-250 + preamplifier PA-14 The MX014 is a unit comprising a preamplifier (PA-14) and microphone (C-250) designed by CESVA technology. The CE SVA PA-14 is a small robust preamplifier, designed to condition ½“ prepolarized microphones as the CE SVA C-250 model. It is also compatible with other makes of microphones. Applications • Acoustic precision measurement with 1/2 ‘‘ prepolarized microphones. Features • Robust small preamplifier • Excellent frequency response By virtue of its wide frequency response and low noise level, the PA-14 is ideal for precision applications. Because of its low output impedance the PA-14 can be used with long cables. The PA-14 has high input impedance which stops the microphone from loading. The C-250 condenser microphone has been developed to supply the sector with greatest demand for precision sound pressure measurements. The use of materials such as nickel and monel, and exhaustive quality control, make the C-250 a highly reliable microphone. The PA-14 preamplifier along with the C-250 prepolarised condenser microphone are the perfect solution for multi channel systems. D_MX014_v0012_20091230_ENG Characteristics Preamplifier PA-14 • Gain (at 1 kHz): • Frequency response: -0.15 dB (± 0.5 dB) 1 Hz to 830 kHz small signal 10 GΩ < 25 Ω 12– 30 Vdc 2 mA • Input impedance: • Output impedance: • Power supply range: • Current consumption: • Electric noise A weighting: < 2.7 µV Lin (20-20kHz): 14.6 µV • Connector: LEMO 7 pins • Diameter: 12.7 mm Microphone C-250 • Microphone type: ½ ’’ prepolarizado • Polarisation: 0V • Nominal capacity: 17.0 pF • Nominal sensitivity: 46.4 mV/Pa • Frequency response: (± 2 dB) 3.15 Hz to 20 kHz • Wind screen effect: <1 dB for frequencies <10 kHz <3 dB for frequencies <12.5 kHz Accessories • Box The characteristics, technical specifications and accessories may vary without prior notice Villar, 20 - 08041 Barcelona (Spain) - Tel. (34) 934.335.240 - Fax. (34) 933.479.310 - e-mail: info@cesva.com - www.cesva.com
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