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CPC12 ControlPlex® System Unrivalled uptime in machine construction and process control
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Requirements regarding product quality and stability of the production process are constantly rising in machine construction and process control. The CPC12 ControlPlex System offers permanent data logging, analysis and processing. This provides the required transparency to detect any changes in the production process at an early stage and to take countermeasures in time. Consistency of the systems is particularly important. Besides the field bus interfaces PROFINET and EtherCAT, the CPC12 bus controller also has another Ethernet interface. It allows access to the system even without...
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Compact und flexible The CPC12 ControlPlex® system provides you with the ideal combination of transparency and compact design. Up to 40 A can be fed into the supply module. Power is further distributed without further accessories via the REX connection technology with connector arm to the connected circuit protectors. This innovative technology reduces wiring time and eliminates time-consuming disassembly of busbars in the event of replacement or system extension. The CPC12 bus controller is connected with the EM12-T supply module. It has a separate DC 24 V power supply and thus allows an...
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PM12-T CPC12potential module ControlPlex® System The PM12-T potential modules of the REX system are mounted side-by-side with the REX12D circuit protectors. After having connected the protected output of the REX12D with the potential module, the output can be multiplied. Thus it is possible to create groups of loads. The clear layout of the DC 24 V power distribution is enhanced by the precise assignment to the circuit protectors and it eliminates conventional terminal blocks. Quick access through integral web server The integral web server of the CPC12 bus controller allows direct access...
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CPC12 bus controller in REX format Transparency through web server and fieldbus connection Connection technology Matching the REX system, this connector arm connects the different modules with each other. No additional accessories are required. Status indication on the device The operating condition of the device can be read any time via the LEDs. IP reset By operating the IP reset button, the IP address is reset to the default value. Integral web server The integral web server allows direct access to all data of the CPC12 ControlPlex® system. Field bus connection The connection to PROFINET...
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Continuous data collection The double channel REX12D electronic circuit protector records the status and its measuring values such as the load current. These pieces of information are transmitted to the superordinate control unit and are processed there to be displayed on the connect visualisation units. The rising transparency provides the maintenance personnel with an overview over the current state of the DC 24 V power distribution. Early warnings by way of a limit value The REX12D circuit protector has a parameterisable limit value. This value can be adjusted to a value between 50% and...
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CPC12 protection for industry 4.0 condition monitoring – predictive maintenance status indication status indication data logging short circuit data analysis limit value current curve voltage curve control RESET current rating adjustment limit value control unit B_CPC12_e_130520B Technical changes, misprints and errors reserved. Photos: E-T-A, cover: © Nataliya Hora/Fotolia.com E-T-A Elektrotechnische Apparate GmbH Industriestraße 2-8 · 90518 ALTDORF GERMANY Phone +49 9187 10-0·Fax +49 9187 10-397 E-mail: info@e-t-a.de · www.e-t-
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REX12 Brochure
16 Pages
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6 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
PowerPlex® Power Module
8 Pages
4 Pages
6 Pages
MPR10, MPR20
5 Pages
108 Pages
12 Pages
2 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages