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electr -PJP) B o IEC 61010-031 r-y2011 EDITION ll electro-pjp 31, RUE JULIEN FEUVRIER - BP366 - 39105 DOLE FRANCE TEL : +33 [0) 384 821 330 FAX : +33 (0) 384 824 048 EMAIL : SALE5@ELECTRO-PJRCOM
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x-reel crie 1 Loop for Sirop enobles the user lo carry ond use cable with bolh hands free. L'attache pour sangle ou mousqueton permet l'utilisateur de se dplacer et d'utiliser son cble tout en ayant les mains libres. 2 Used only while you are winding up Ihe wire, The ZigZag onabies you to adjust the wire on the rel and undo 'light knots' localcd along the wire. La chicane pour enroulement permet de centrer le cble sur lo bobine lors de l'enroulement. 3 The fixed sockel enables you lo wind up and unwind the wire while being connected and without twistiny and/or breaking the vire. La douille...
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h-reel s e r i e d Qi 1 1 Comfortoble handling. Prise en moin comfortable. 2 The fixed sockets enoble you to wind up and unwind the wire while being connected and without Iwisting and/or breaking the wire. Les douilles fixes permetent le droulement et l'enroulement du cble tout en 颩tant connect el sans risque de vriller ou cosser le cble. R*F : H-Reei2310-5Q jjjj颮 S cj t.-. i 11 d u i i l» 11 | CaratrArisliquO ! *ni:(:"l- 1 Q.fe irlt Hauteur 370 mm Width. 3,9 ira ia"vc-"r 100 mm Oumelef. 4,3 ku Oanvnre. i&O mm VmioM 1,5 Ko mounted wtlh 30 m rt>di- 1,5 Kg pour 50 m de cble table «itnon 0.7J...
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probes e perchettes The cfioice of Ihe correct telescopic probe when checking contlnuity of protecttve conductors via a worider lead or the R2 method must be consldered : - Accessing ceiling mounted light sockets and electricaf outSets to check for o praper eorth connection is now made easier. - Checking wall socket located nearthe floor without the need to knecl. - To respect a certain stze to be packed easily. From the telescopic probes to the very short one and diffrent tips to be mounted on the probes, you will flnd in this section the answer to those needs. Accessoire indispensable...
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33,5 ins / perche t BH Spcifications | Coracf驩risliqijB ■!■:' - ;i 1: 2 A InleritM A P'otefon ID40 V CAT III, rri*i<J»n 1000 V CAT lit. pollution degr* 1 degr de pollution J letracted fengni 1 B,5 4m Longueur reii^ue* 47 ait fv% doplored Ivntfh:33,5 hh Long*»* deplor»* 85 on Diamelor al 'htbanale 7 Ini Dwmetre o* lo poigne*: 3L3 cm NijniUrr «1 »nptunl. ■,"L"'v de iii . 2 We-gru 300g teck: 300g. 鮕. :. -i i, .1. -m 4 mm 1.1 nli- | Conieuen PouJIb femelle 4 mm ln Ih» handle rlrnw lo poisse FAST LOCKINGUNLOCKING SYSTEM SYSTEME DE VE R ROUILLAGE/E) EVE ROUILLA G E RAPIDE TO ORDER / POUR...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 9
be 63 ins / perche t V«ITH 1HIS irp 1:1 a ^rrrleniai 1000 V UT III ' 400 V CAT IV, )»l|vrlcn decrw 1 ■efncted lengfh 24,4 Ira fvlly a>plomd lm»n'h. 63 mt O.cinrler a* <hc homl'fj 1,38 kii Numlwr «i »etjm«ni 3 Wcrj+i 540g ConriKiur 4 mm fanal* 镕oclurt In 1ht h an dit | corartrisliqijb l..v■■鮕 -.■ 2 A Frotadicn- 1M0 V CAT III / 600 V CAT IV, degr de pwButJon Longueur rtrtTocIQV 68 鮯ti Longw»* dncJroo 140 m dwmii de lo (x*gnee 3,3 m Mflfnbﻙ d» brin: 3 ft*k S»0fl CtfWKn Douille femelle 4 mm rlruv. In pQljpvee .1 MU It.'.NAH'. CONNECTION EXCELLENT LE N G HT / WE1GHT RATIO EXCELLENT RAPPORT...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 10
small accessories petits accessoires Eledro-PJP nos been involved in manufocturing electrical test and mcasurcmcn occessories since 1 979. Further accessor.es can be found in the E!ectro-PJP Gnral GatoJogue. This section contains our most populor Installation Testing occessories as well as new developments, such as the Heovy Duty Crocodile Clip. Dj mentionn頩 dans la premire page de ce catalogue, Electro-PJP est fabricant d'accessoires lectrique de test et mesure depuis 1 979. Aussi vous trouverez encore plus de choix dans notre cotalogue g詩nral. Dons cette section, nous vous proposons une...
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>tor / adaptateur 5pctificnfiDHG | CoracfrisliqijB ■!■:' - ;i 1: 2 A InlmH 1A PmlKtKKi 1000 V CAT IV, rnaf.cf^. 1000 V CAT IV, pollution degr鮩* 3 degr do pollution 3 TtmmM nl黯 M1B laoudoBO M10 CoJof of ttte 4 im tecVot cnaifoole Couleur d» k> douille 4 mm dieon'bie . red. h lu*, yrren, yollow, whilr. Ourji>. «»lr. lilru. vrrl. jour"'. brewn, gre* blunL. brun, gril M10 THREADED HOLE TO 4 MM BANANA (FEMALE) JACK ADAPTER ADAPTATEUR Հ VISSER SUR TARAUD AGE Ml 0 AVEC SORTIE DOUILLE (FEMELLE) BANANE 4" MM TO ORDER / POUR COMMANDER ref . AdaFMlu/Fd4 Also ovailablo wilti throadod hole M8 (P/N:...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 17
194 IN / ADAPTAT El 4$ | conacfriliqub鯯 Ralig 1 12 A Imem*: «A l't-.l-.-i :■■: 33 V AC J 70 V DC PhoNcfr»! 33 V AC . 70 V OC m page Tabla el unienli ■ Vsk pop* Օ Sommeil» ii Oiometar a* the mogner 0,394 In Umniiiri d> livrant 10 mm Connu.on 4 fWŏ> lemcn* ClfinoLli!*! 4 mm hhiutla Coon nid, blodk, vdifcfe, blue. Couleur* : rouge, noir, blanc, btou, S»*en, T«tl«w 4 MM BANANA (FEMALE) JACK TO 0,394 IN OIAMETER M AON ET ADAPTER ADAPTATEUR CONNECTEUR FEMELLE 4 MM ■ TTE MAGNETIQUE DIAMETRE 10 MM TO ORDER / POUR COMMANDER REF : AdaMagnetDlOFd, This adaptoronablos you to hȢve your hands free while...
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ground rods 9 piquets de terre In order to make an effective Earth or Ground test, the mtal rods or spikes must be driven info the ground. The connection mode by the rods is sometimes difficult due to conditions affecting placement, The soil could be soft, hard or even frozen, Choice of rod is critical when deoling with diffrent soil conditions. Diff驩rent rods, designed for vorying ground conditions are detailed in the followng section. Pour raliser une bonne mesure de terre, une des conditions n響cessaire est de planter correctement [es piquets de terre dans le sol et d'assurer leur...
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id rod / piquet de 24 cm | 0 8 mm tjfjt SfHStifpCOliOnS | CarattAricliquas Woejhe 14*0 fi*m IMS lengfh 9,45 in longueur 4 an Ofln»KT 0,31 Iru Ocm4*r* g mm Comwdion: CorlOfUloci: Crocodile p Fine» crocodile ECONOMICAL / ECONOMIQUE TO ORDER / POUR COMMANDER REF : 2221-8 or fj ►hort d4 ground rod / piquet de terre T d4 24 cm Ϯ 0 8 mm j§|5 S notifications | Caracfriiliquds Wtlghf 164g rbUit 144 g m'Ii 9,45 im longueur 24 cm Owmmr 0,31 in CSomerre s mm Connrctiorv Conrirjdori: Shruudod banana plug Fiche bancinn hioIb Non ihrouded banane plug Flch» bonomf non uelll Crocodile drp Pince oocodita...
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105 Pages