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PVC Systems / Impianti PVC / Installations PVC / Instalaciones PVC / Anlagen für PVC

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FOM GROUP is able to offer a complete range of machines and automated systems for machining PVC profiles. Cutting, Machining, Welding, Cleaning, Workshop Logistics and Software. Solutions designed for companies already manufacturing PVC frames and requiring greater efficiency and production capacity, but also entry level solutions for those wishing to diversify their production or to approach the sector for the first time by making gradual investments. By way of example, below is a selection of our products dedicated to the PVC sector. Call us for further information. FOM GROUP è in grado...

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Automated cutting lines for pvc profiles Linee di taglio automatizzate per il taglio di profilati in pvc Lignes de coupe automatisees pour couper des profiles en pvc Líneas de corte automatizadas para perfiles en pvc Automatisierte Anlagen zum schneiden von Pvc-Profilen Automated cutting lines for PVC profiles may incorporate sawing machines with single Ø500 and Ø550mm frontal blade and head rotation from 45° to 135° or sawing machines with three up-feed blades with fixed angle of 45°/90°/135°. Nelle linee di taglio automatizzate per il taglio di profilati in PVC possono essere utilizzate...

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AUTOMATED CUTTING / LINEA DI TAGLIO / LIGNE DE COUPE / LÍNEA DE CORTE / SCHNEIDANLAGE Integral, sound insulated cabin / Cabina integrale ed insonorizzata / Cabine intégrale et insonorisée / Cabina integral insonorizada / Lärmschutzkabine. The travelling feed magazines comprise a system used to accumulate profiles and then to transfer them horizontally. I magazzini di carico traslanti sono rappresentati da un sistema che consente l’accumulo e la successiva traslazione orizzontale di profilati. After cutting to size, the profiles move on to an offloading station where they are collected and...

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AUTOMATED CUTTING LINES FOR PVC PROFILES / LINEE DI TAGLIO AUTOMATIZZATE PER IL TAGLIO DI PROFILATI PROFILES EN PVC / LÍNEAS DE CORTE AUTOMATIZADAS PARA PERFILES EN PVC / AUTOMATISIERTE ANLAGEN LT 500 LT 500 cutting line. Linea di taglio LT 500. Ligne de coupe LT 500. Línea de corte LT 500. Schneidanlage LT 500. Cutting line with MIRAGE 600 Cutting line with feeding device. Linea di taglio con alimentatore. Ligne de coupe avec alimentateur. Línea de corte con cargador. Schneidanlage mit Nachschubachse. The cutting line with Mirage 600 sawing machine is suitable for cutting the...

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IN PVC / LIGNES DE COUPE AUTOMATISEES POUR COUPER DES ZUM SCHNEIDEN VON PVC-PROFILEN CUTTING LINE Cutting line with Spring 55 sawing machine. Linea di taglio con troncatrice Spring55. Ligne de coupe avec tronçonneuse Spring55. Línea de corte con tronzadora Spring 55. Schneidanlage mit Gehrungssäge Spring55.

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MACHINING LINES FOR PVC PROFILES / LINEE DI LAVORAZIONE DI PROFILATI IN PVC / LIGNES D’USINAGE DE LÍNEAS DE MECANIZACIÓN DE PERFILES EN PVC / ANLAGEN ZUR BEARBEITUNG VON PVC-PROFILEN UK The PUSH PLUS bar feeder pushes single profiles into work stations after taking them from the magazine. L’alimentateur PUSH PLUS transporte les profilés vers des stations d’usinage après les avoir prélevés du magasin. L’alimentatore PUSH PLUS trasferisce i singoli profilati verso stazioni operative dopo averli prelevati dal magazzino. Booth housing the multispindle machining unit / Cabina ove è alloggiata...

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Two opposing pneumatic units (screw couplers) with vertical adjustment by means of a revolver-type stop with 6 positions, automatically controlled by software, fix the metal strip inside the PVC profile by means of selftapping screws. Due unità pneumatiche contrapposte (avvitatori) con regolazione verticale attraverso riscontro a revolver a 6 posizioni, gestito automaticamente dal software, fissano l’anima metallica all’interno del profilato in PVC mediante viti autofilettanti. Dos unidades neumáticas contrapuestas (atornilladores) con regulación vertical mediante apoyo de revólver de 6...

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CUTTING LINE AND MACHINING LINE WITH EXTERNAL SCREW COUPLING TABLE / LINEA DI TAGLIO E LINEA DI LAVORAZIONE CON BANCO DI AVVITATURA ESTERNA / LIGNE DE COUPE ET LIGNE D’USINAGE AVEC BANC DE VISSAGE EXTERNE / LÍNEA DE CORTE Y LÍNEA DE MECANIZACIÓN CON BANCO DE ATORNILLADO EXTERNO / SCHNEID- UND BEARBEITUNGSANLAGE MIT EXTERNER SCHRAUBBANK In this system the cutting, machining and screw coupling operations are carried out on three separate stations. The entire process is controlled by a highly automated system. This setup is able to deliver a production capacity of about 120 single-wing windows...

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EXTERNAL SCREW COUPLING UNIT / UNITÀ DI AVVITATURA ESTERNA / UNITE DE VISSAGE EXTERNE / UNIDAD DE ATORNILLADO EXTERNO / EXTERNE SCHRAUBEINHEIT UK The metal cores can be fitted into the profiles on an independent SCREW COUPLING STATION. The station consists of a gantry with numerically controlled screw couplers travelling in its lower section. Il fissaggio dei rinforzi all’interno dei profilati viene effettuato su una STAZIONE DI AVVITATURA. La stazione è costituita da un portale nella cui parte inferiore scorrono avvitatori gestiti da controllo numerico. F La fixation des âmes en fer à...

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CNC MACHINING CENTERS / CENTRI DI LAVORO / CENTRES D’USINAGE CENTROS CONTROLADOS / BEAIRBEITUNGSZENTREN DALI 40/70 4-axis CNC machining centre Centro di lavoro a 4 assi controllati. Centre d’usinage à 4 axes contrôlés. Centro con 4 ejes controlados. 4-achsiges Bearbeitungszentrum.

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MODUS 3-axis CNC machining centre Centro di lavoro a 3 assi controllati. Centre d’usinage à 3 axes contrôlés. Centro con 3 ejes controlados. 3-achsiges Bearbeitungszentrum.

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TALENT Machining centre with 3 controlled axes and pneumatic -90, 0°, +90° profile table rotation Centro di lavoro a 3 assi controllati con rotazione tavolo porta profili pneumatico -90°, 0°, +90°. Centre d’usinage à 3 axes contrôlés avec rotation table porte-profilés -90°, 0, +90°. Centro de mecanizado con 3 ejes controlados y rotación del plano portaperfiles a -90º, 0º, +90º. 3-Achsen CNC Bearbeitungszentrum mit Profildrehung -90, 0°, +90°.

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Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Fom Industrie Aluminium Working Machinery

  1. LT 600

    2 Pages

  2. LMX2 650

    2 Pages

  3. SERIE 3

    2 Pages


    1 Pages

  5. FMC 120

    2 Pages

  6. FMC 470

    1 Pages

  7. LMX 650

    2 Pages


    16 Pages

  9. AXEL 4

    16 Pages

  10. LT 55

    2 Pages

  11. LMT 65

    2 Pages

  12. LMPT 55

    2 Pages

  13. DALI 40-70

    16 Pages

  14. AXEL5_cnc

    16 Pages


    12 Pages

  16. LINEE_folder

    2 Pages

  17. AXEL4_cnc

    16 Pages

  18. FLEN

    16 Pages

  19. ARGO_cnc

    16 Pages

  20. MODUS

    16 Pages

  21. LIGNES

    2 Pages


    3 Pages

  23. PRINCE

    3 Pages

  24. ISOS

    3 Pages

  25. CALCO

    3 Pages


    3 Pages


    2 Pages


    2 Pages


    2 Pages

  30. UN4F/UN4FA

    3 Pages

  31. UN2F/UN2FA

    3 Pages

  32. UN1R

    3 Pages

  33. JOB CNC

    2 Pages

  34. JOB LT

    2 Pages

  35. TR55/2

    3 Pages


    2 Pages

  37. BV8

    2 Pages

  38. BV7

    1 Pages

  39. BV6

    2 Pages

  40. EVER A

    12 Pages

  41. TEBE

    16 Pages

  42. MISTRAL 200

    16 Pages

  43. FRT5

    2 Pages

  44. LT3 55

    1 Pages

  45. FL-3M

    2 Pages

  46. FL-3

    2 Pages

  47. FST

    2 Pages

  48. BLITZ ALVA 500

    20 Pages

  49. BLITZ ALVA 550

    20 Pages

  50. BLITZ 65

    20 Pages

  51. AXEL 5

    16 Pages

  52. LM

    2 Pages

  53. LT 500

    2 Pages

  54. LT 65

    2 Pages

  55. GOLIA

    2 Pages


    2 Pages