Groupe : Ingersoll Rand
Extraits du catalogue

Italy Germany, Austria &Switzerland Bulgaria, Romania & Serbia-Montenegro > Ingersoll Rand italiana SpaStrada Provinciale Cassanese 108 20060 Vignate, Milano Italy Phone: +39 02 950561Fax: +39 02 95056335 Ingersoll Rand GmbHProductivity Solutions Wilhelmstrasse 20 45478 Mlheim / Ruhr Tel: +49 / (0)208 / 9994-0 Fax: +49 / (0)208 / 9994-445 Ingersoll Rand Productivity Solutionsstr. Apostol Karamitev No.; vh. V;ap.7Soߞa 1172 Bulgaria Phone: +359 2 8625304 Fax: +359 2 8625304 UK & Ireland > Ingersoll Rand Sales Company Ltd.Productivity Solutions Hindley Green Wigan - Lancashire WN 4EZ - England Tel: +44 (0)1942 257171Fax: +44 (0)1942 503451 Scandinavia > Ingersoll Rand Productivity Solutions Drammensveien 126A 0277 Oslo, Norway Tel: +47 2255 1526 Fax: +47 2243 6581 Estonia, latvia & Lithuania > Ingersoll Rand Productivity Solutions lootsi 3A,103 10151 Tallinn Phone: +372 653 0110Fax: +372 653 0112 France & Benelux Poland Russia & C.I.S. > Ingersoll RandProductivity Solutions Z.I. du Chne Sorcier 78346 Les Clayes sous Bois Tel: +33 (0)1 30 07 69 60 Fax: +33 (0)1 30 07 69 80 Ingersoll Rand Productivity Solutions ul. Nowiniarska 1 m.1 00-235 Warszawa Poland Phone: +48 22 6357245 fax: +48 22 6357332 Ingersoll Rand Productivity Solutions32/1 Myasnitskaya ul.,bd.1 Moscow 101990 Russia Phone: +7 495 9330324 Fax: +7 495 7852126 Spain & Portugual Subsaharian Africa > Ingersoll Rand IbЎrica Productivity Solutions Tierra de Barros, 2 28820 - Coslada Madrid - Spain Tel: +(34) 91 6277405Fax: +(34) 91 6277406 Czech Republic & Slovakia > Ingersoll Rand Productivity Solutions Ostrovskeho 34 151 28 Praha 5 Czech Republic Phone: +420 257 109 756 Fax: +420 257 109 758 Ingersoll Rand Company Productivity Solutions 5 Liebendurg StreetAlrode 1451South Africa Phone: +27 11 8643930 Fax: +37 11 8643954 Greece Hungary, Slovenia & croatia > Ingersoll RandProductivity Solutions Strada Provinciale Cassanese 108 20060 Vignate, Milano Italy Phone: +39 02 950561 Fax: +39 02 95056335 Ingersoll Rand Arpad u. 1. 2100 Gdښll Hungary Phone: +36 28 512800 Fax: +36 28 411799 Middle-East & Northern Africa > Ingersoll Rand Productivity Solutions Zone du Chڐne Sorcier 78346 Les Clayes sous Bois France Tel: +33 (0)1 30 07 69 60 Fax: +33 (0)1 30 07 69 80 Ingersoll Rand Solutions Center > 70 rue Jacquard77400 Lagny sur Marne Tel: +33 (0)1 64 76 00 07 Fax: +33 (0)1 30 07 69 80 Ingersoll Rand Industrial Technologies provides products, services and so-lutions that enhance our customersΕ energy efciency, productivity and operations. Our diverse and innovative products range from complete com-pressed air systems, tools and pumps to material and ޟuid handling systems and environmentally friendly microturbines. We also enhance productivity through solutions created by Club Car, the global leader in golf and utility vehicles for businesses and individuals.(800) 376-8665 ȥ irtools.com 2008 Ingersoll-Rand Company IRPS-1007-053 INGERSOLL FR.indd 1-2 13/05/08 15:21:34 size="-4">
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Pour des serrages constants. TestΎ ISO 5393 > pour faciliter son utilisation. pour le confort de lΕoprateur. > Consulter votre reprsentant Ingersoll Rand pour vos applications. > Pour un environnement de travail propre. Construction modulaire. > RΎduction des cots de maintenance et dޕarrts de production. > de la tΐte pour offrir un maximum de exibilitߎ. > INGERSOLL FR.indd 3-4 13/05/08 15:21:50 size="-1">
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 2Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Ingersoll Rand
Catalogue d'accessoires
23 Pages
Outils d'impulsion catalogue
6 Pages
Solution d'assemblage
116 Pages
Catalogue série QX
9 Pages
Catalogue des forets P33N
8 Pages
Levage industriel
24 Pages
2135QTiMAX-Clé à Chocs
2 Pages
QX Series™
16 Pages
Zero Gravity
2 Pages
Industrial Production Catalogue
33 Pages
MSG® Centac®
3 Pages
MSG® Centac® C800
3 Pages
3 Pages
MSG® Centac® C700
3 Pages
3 Pages
5 Pages
R Series 4-11
2 Pages
R Series 37-45
2 Pages
Nirvana 15-30 kW
2 Pages
R Series 200-250
2 Pages
Air Compressor 20-25 hp
3 Pages
2 Pages
EPL product
15 Pages
Pneumatic industrial drills
12 Pages
Main rider
8 Pages
2 Pages
3 Pages
Air Grinders 88V and 99V Series
52 Pages
Air Grinders G2 Series
16 Pages
R-Series 37-160 kW
8 Pages
EXTT Series Torque Tester
2 Pages
QA4 / QA6 / QA8 Series
7 Pages
529 Saw
2 Pages
2 Pages
L5110 Cordless Task Light
2 Pages
24 Pages
Industrial Tools Solutions
68 Pages
Catalogues archivés
8000MAX Series
4 Pages
Partners in Performance
16 Pages
Vehicle Service 2010/2011
20 Pages
86 Pages
Air Production Drills
12 Pages
QC Qualifier
21 Pages
QM Series Electric Tools
4 Pages
QE Series Electric Tools
8 Pages
Surface Prep Catalog
6 Pages
Industrial Bolting Catalog
21 Pages
Cordless Accessories Catalog
8 Pages