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Momento frenante realizzato da un attuatore a sfera ISIbond 79.400.039 Angolo di rampa:39° Braking torque by a bail ramp brake ISIbond 79.400.039 Ramp angle: 39* For dry applications. The shown characteristic is referred to a new bail ramp brake (no wear condition).
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 1Ramp Angle: 21° e 24° For wet applications. Ramp Angle: 37° For dry applications.
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 2Montante» Iran ante reallzzato da un attuatora ISIbond da 5,60" Angolo dl rampa:21° Braklng torque by a 5,60“ bail ramp brake ISIbond Ramp angle: 21° Momento frenante realizzato da un attuatore ISIbond da 5,6" Angolo dl rampa: 37° Braklng torque by a 5,6“ bail ramp brake ISIbond Ramp angle: 37* For wet (angle ramp 21 °, 24°) and for dry applications (angle ramp 37°). The shown characteristic is referred to a new bail ramp brake (no wear condition).
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 3BailRamp Brake 6” 79.600.010Overall dimensions and apply: Ramp angle: 37° For dry applications. The shown characteristic is referred to a new bail ramp brake (no wear condition).
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 4Ramp angle: 21°, 25°, 37° Oïl immersed use (21° e 25°) and dry use (37°). Ramp angle: 21 ° OU immersed use.
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 5Momento frenanto reallzzato da un attuatore ISIbond da 6,5" Angolo di rampa: 21° Braking force by a 6,5" bail ramp brake ISIbond Ramp angle: 21 ° Characteristics 6,5” Momento trônante reallzzato da un attuatore a a fera ISIbond da 6,6" Angolo di rampa: 25° Braking torque by a 6,6" bail ramp brake ISIbond Ramp angle: 26* Momento trônante reallzzato da un attuatore ISIbond da 6,5" Angolo délia rampa: 37° Braking torque by a 6,5" bail ramp brake ISIbond 6,5" Ramp angle: 37° The shown characteristic is referred to a new bail ramp brake (no wear condition).
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 6Ramp angle: 25°, 37° For wet (25°) and dry (37°) applications. Total width : s=34,8±0-15 Ramp angle: 25° For wet applications. Total width: s=33,8±0’15
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 7Characteristics 7” Momento frenante realizzato da un attuatore ISIbond da 7" Angolo dalla rampa: 25° Braking torque by a 7" bail ramp brake ISIbond Ramp angle: 25° Momento frenante realizzato da un attuatore ISIbond da 7" Angolo di rampa: 370 Braking torque by a 7" ISIbond bail ramp brake Ramp angle: 37° The shown characteristic is referred to a new bail ramp brake (no wear condition)
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 8Bail Ramp Angle 8 ” 3A 79.875.010Overall dimensions and apply: Ramp angle: 20° For wet applications The shown characteristic is referred to a new bail ramp brake (no wear condition).
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 9