Groupe : Legris Industries

Extraits du catalogue

INFRARED THERMOMETER SOLUTIONS Métal Sheets Température measurement of bright métal
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Application note Metal Sheets Non-contact temperature measurement of metal sheets strong thermal radiation. This also eliminates the influence of reflecting Interfering radiation. The measurement of metal sheets at low temperatures is still a challenging measuring task in the field of non-contact measurements due to the very low thermal radiation and the special radiation properties of metals. For physical reasons only longwave pyrometers with a spectral sensitivity of 8 - 14 µm can be used for measurements starting at room temperature. However, the emissivity of metals, i.e. the ability to...
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The correlations are as follows: • The larger the coil, the narrower is the formed gap. • The narrower the gap, the higher is the number of reflections. • The higher the number of reflections, the higher is the artificial increase of the emissivity. • The higher the emissivity, the higher is the temperature signal received by the pyrometer. This signal peak is detected by the peak picker which is integrated into the pyrometer. The measurement interval of the peak picker is selected according to the set swivel period. As a result, the varying signal becomes a continuous temperature value....
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INFRARED THERMOMETER SOLUTIONS I Sales and Service Center Sales abroad Keller HCW GmbH • Division MSR Sales and Service Center
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 4Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Keller ITS (Infrared Temperature Solutions)
BR CellaTemp PX_ID2007_202312_fr
20 Pages
BR CellaTemp PA_ID2004_202403_fr
20 Pages
Pyromètre CellaCast PA83 PT183
12 Pages
Logiciel CellaView
8 Pages
BR CellaPort PT_201905_fr
16 Pages
AN CellaCast_201811_fr
8 Pages
TR Emissivité_201811_fr
4 Pages
Flyer IO-Link_2018_fr
2 Pages
AN Centrale béton_201607_fr
4 Pages
BR Mikro_201201_fr
2 Pages
AN CellaInduction_201604_fr
4 Pages
AN Bois laminé_201606_fr
4 Pages
TR IO-Link_201610_en
7 Pages