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Agilent U4154A Data Sheet ... Agilent MODULAR Products Agilent Technologies
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Product description The Agilent U4154A AXIe-based logic analyzer System combines reliable data capture with powerful analysis and validation tools to enable you to quickly and confidently validate and debug high speed digital designs operating at Figure 1A shows the small eyes associated with a DDR3 System operating at 1.4 V at 2133 Mb/s. The U4154A logic analyzer uses its unique eye scan capability to automati- cally place the sampling point in both time and voltage within the eye on each individual channel for optimal sampling reliability. Figure 1B shows the trigger setup to capture a...
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Agilent Logic Analyzer - [...\Feb24jraces\U4154A_DDR3_2133_lowvoltage.ala] - [Waveform-State] afl File Edit View Setup Tools Markers Run/Stop Waveform Window Help Scale | 1.76ns/div fj~|f^Â^Ifïrï^l | 33.145 ns fl~|[~W~]["jjE~]["T 11 Il M I o [?ionrio[Ti:o Ronr~iopri o I^Qrn^rn ° Rirn^Fi ° FI°FH Figure 2. Timing Zoom preciseiy measures the time between the rising edge of the dock and the rising edge of DQS in a DDR System. Available memory depth up to 200 M samples allows you to debug very complex problems where the cause and symptoms may be separated by several seconds. The amount of memory...
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DDR measurements made fast, easy, and powerful The DDR setup assistant simplifies measurement setup and minimizes the time to make your first measurement. The DDR setup tool guides you through even the most complex DDR setup in minutes. DDR eye scan makes it easy to détermine the optimum acquisition sample point without requiring an oscilloscope. Agilent qualified scans place the sample position at the center of the eye on every individual channel for maximum data capture reliability, including separate sampling positions for read and write The DDR setup assistant includes a variety of...
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Signal integrity insight made fast and easy Threshold = User Defined Threshold = User Defined Figure 5. Burst qualified eye scan allows you to view the activity on the signais only when a burst taking place. As timing and voltage margins continue to shrink, con- fidence in signal integrity becomes an increasingly vital requirement in the design validation process. Eye scan lets you acquire signal integrity information on ail the buses in your design, under a wide variety of operating conditions, in a matter of minutes. Identify problem signais quickly for further investigation with an...
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Harness your logic analyzer and scope for powerful insight Combine the powerful triggering and protocol analysis of a logic analyzer with the signal integrity insight of a scope to solve tough design problems. Agilent ViewScope allows you to easily make time-correlated measurements between Agilent logic analyzers and oscilloscopes. The time-correlated logic analyzer and oscilloscope waveforms are integrated into a single logic analyzer waveform display for easy viewing and analysis. You can also trigger the oscilloscope from the logic analyzer (or vice versa), and automatically de-skew the...
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Hardware platform • Functional and parametric validation of memory systems and other high-speed digital systems operating up to 4 Gb/s Minimum hardware One or more U4154A 136-channel logic analyzer modules. Two U4154As can be combined for a total of 272 channels on a single time base and trigger sequencer. Two U4154As are required to capture all read and write data on a 64 Data bit DDR2/3/4 interface for data rates up to 2.5 Gb/s. DDR2/3/4 solutions requiring 5 pods or less require one U4154A module. LPDDR1/2/3 solutions requiring and operating up to 2.5 Gb/s, 4 pods or less require one...
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Probes as required to connect to the target system. Probe type Model number Soft Touch Connectorless Half-size Soft Touch Connectorless Pro Series Soft Touch Connectorless Classic Samtec connector Samtec connector Mictor connector General purpose flying leads General purpose flying leads Soft Touch Connectorless Pro Series Soft Touch Connectorless Low Profile Soft Touch Connectorless Classic Maximum data rate 4 Gb/s Supported signal types Single-ended data, differential or single-ended clock Single-ended data, differential or single-ended clock Single-ended data, differential or...
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Optional Hardware Multiframe extensions Additional AXIe châssis, or one or more Agilent 16902B logic analyzer frames with any of the modules that are compatible with the 16900 System. Refer to Logic Analysis System Main frames Data Sheet. Up to 16 AXIe or 16902B frames can be combined in a single Multiframe System. One or more E5861A Multiframe cables to connect multiple frames. Order one fewer E5861A cables than the total number of frames/chassis to be combined. ilAt l<* ï«w Setup lodb UMtan Bun/Stsp LMq WMdo* tidç Time Physical Address Figure 8. The B4621B protocol-decode software...
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Technical Specifications and Characteristics All specifications refer to the combination of a U4154A Logic Analyzer Module, U4201A logic analyzer probe cable, and any Agilent Soft Touch probe. State (Synchronous) sampling mode Maximum state data rate Option -02G 2.5 GHz state 2.5 Gb/s on 136 channels per U4154A, using either or both edges of clock (spec) mode (spec) 4 Gb/s on 68 channels per U4154A, clocking on either edge of the clock (typ) Maximum state data rate Option -01G 1.4 GHz state 1.4 Gb/s on 136 channels per U4154A, using either or both edges of clock (spec) mode (spec) 2.8 Gb/s...
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Technical Spécifications and Characteristics (continuée!)
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Technical Specifications and Characteristics (continued) Trigger characteristics (continued) Maximum trigger sequence levels (nom) Trigger sequence level branching (nom) Trigger position (nom) Maximum occurrence counter (nom) Maximum pattern width (nom) Maximum range width (nom) Timer range (nom) Timer resolution (nom) Timer accuracy (typ) Timer reset latency (nom) Number of channels (nom) Maximum channels on a single time base and trigger (nom) Number of analyzers (nom) Input signal amplitude Vamptd (typ) Supported signal types Voltage threshold (typ) Minimum threshold resolution (typ)...
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