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Leica iCON build Solutions d’implantation dans la construction Leica Geosystems intelligent CONstruction. Leica iCON est adapté à vos besoins de construction d’immeubles, de routes, de ponts ou de tunnels. Leica iCON est plus qu’une nouvelle ligne de produits avec une suite logicielle. Cette solution vous permet d’améliorer vos performances et votre rentabilité en optimisant la gestion quotidienne de vos travaux. Comprendre les exigences de la construction demande des solutions exceptionnelles : Sur mesure Complètes Directes Très performantes When it has to be right. Illustrations, descriptions et données techniques non contractuelles. Tous droits réservés. Imprimé en Suisse – Copyright Leica Geosystems AG, Heerbrugg, Suisse, 2014 821457fr – 04.15 – galledia Plomb laser : Classe laser 2 selon EN 60825-1, CEI 60825-1 Leica iCON robot 60 Product information Leica iCON build Custom-built Solutions for Building Construction Leica Geosystems intelligent CONstruction. Whether you construct buildings, roads, bridges or tunnels, you benefit from intelligent CONstruction. Leica iCON is more than a new product line or software package, it enables you to enhance your performance, and increase your profitability through perfecting your construction workflow. Understanding construction demands outstanding solutions: Custom-built Complete Leica iCON builder 60 Product information Leica Geosystems intelligent CONstruction. Whether you construct buildings, roads, bridges or tunnels, you benefit from intelligent CONstruction. Leica iCON is more than a new product line or software package, it enables you to enhance your performance, and increase your profitability through perfecting your construction workflow. Understanding construction demands outstanding solutions: Custom-built Complete Straightforward High performance Straightforward High performance locks to yours ATACK support for PaveSmart 3D Electronic Guide Light (EGL) steers rod-man to line of sight USB memory stick and SD card support Leica Geosystems intelligent CONstruction. Whether you construct buildings, roads, bridges or tunnels, you benefit from intelligent CONstruction. Leica iCON is more than a new product line or software package, it enables you to enhance your performance, and increase your profitability through perfecting your construction workflow. CRP pole Flip pole to get best prism position Leica iCON builder 60 The intuitive user interface paired with the highest quality manual total station perfects any job. Leica iCON gps 60 Versatile SmartAntenna for multi-purpose positioning tasks. Leica iCON robot 60 perfects one-person construction layout and 3D machine control. Its high performance tracking, innovative lock & find mechanisms and software that is Leica Builder Intuitive, powerful and scalable manual total station series for routine construction tasks on site. Leica iCON CC55 Lightweight, handy PDA for easy and efficient field work. tailored per work step, make it the ideal partner on site. The powerful iCONstruct field software used as remote control optimises the functionality. llec nte tu Leica iCON CC65/66 Rugged, mobile tablet PC with enhanced connectivity and functionality. Leica MPR122, 360° prism Highly accurate target, suitable for machine control. Setup Pilot – world’s first fully automatic setup measurement method Cube Search – boosts prism search to a locks to yours ATACK support for PaveSmart 3D Electronic Guide Light (EGL) steers rod-man to line of sight Speaker for sound notification PinPoint measurements to any surface up to 1.000m / 3.280 ft 3.5” coloured touch screen with ambient light sensor (ALS) Button illumination iCONstruct software onboard Illustrations, descriptions and technical data are not binding. All rights reserved. Printed in Switzerland – Copyright Leica Geosystems AG, Heerbrugg, Switzerland, 2014. 793559en - 04.14 – galledia Leica Geosystems AG Heerbrugg, Switzerland Leica Builder Brochure USB memory stick and SD card support USB memory stick and SD card support maximum Target Snap – ignores other prisms, just Speaker for Leica iCON build sound Brochure notification Long-range Bluetooth communication >350 m / 1.100 ft Power Search up to 300 m / 1.000 ft Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) > 600m / 2.000 ft Extra lock mode for distances < 30 m / 100 ft Extra lock mode for distances < 30 m / 100 ft With Leica iCON builder 60, construction layout was never more professional. The intuitive user interface paired with the highest quality manual total station perfects any job. Understanding construction demands outstanding solutions: Custom-built Complete Straightforward High performance When it has to be right. The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Leica Geosystems AG is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners. Leica iCON robot 60 Product information Leica iCON build Custom-built solutions for building construction Setup Pilot – world’s first fully automatic setup measurement method Cube Search – boosts prism search to a maximum Target Snap – ignores other prisms, just Illustrations, descriptions and technical data are not binding. All rights reserved. Printed in Switzerland – Copyright Leica Geosystems AG, Heerbrugg, Switzerland, 2014. 817368en - 04.14 – galledia Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) > 600m / 2.000 ft Leica iCON gps 60 Versatile SmartAntenna for multi-purpose positioning tasks. Its high performance tracking, innovative lock & find mechanisms and software that is tailored per work step, make it the ideal partner on site. The powerful iCONstruct field software used as remote control optimises the functionality. Long-range Bluetooth communication >350 m / 1.100 ft The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such Power Search up to marks by Leica Geosystems AG is 300 m / 1.000 trademarks under license. Otherft and trade names are those of their respective owners. Leica iCON CC55 Lightweight, handy PDA for easy and efficient field work. Leica iCON robot 60 perfects one-person construction layout and 3D machine control. Leica Builder Intuitive, powerful and scalable manual total station series for routine construction tasks on site. Leica iCON CC65/66 Rugged, mobile tablet PC with enhanced connectivity and functionality. Leica iCON builder 60 The intuitive user interface paired with the highest quality manual total station perfects any job. Leica Geosystems AG Heerbrugg, Suisse Leica MPR122, 360° prism Highly accurate target, suitable for machine control. CRP pole Flip pole to get best prism position La marque et les logos Bluetooth® sont la propriété de Bluetooth SIG, Inc. et leur utilisation par Leica Geosystems AG s’effectue sous licence. Les autres désignations commerciales et marques mentionnées sont détenues par leur propriétaire respectif. The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Leica Geosystems AG is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners. Industry leading layout software Best-in-class measurement technology High return on investment Leica iCON robot 60 Product information Best-in-class laser measure with PinPoint technology Ambient light sensor (ALS) automatically controls display/button illumination PinPoint measurements to any surface up to 1.000m / 3.280 ft Speaker for sound notification Long lasting Li-Ion batteries 3.5” coloured touch screen with ambient light sensor (ALS) Button illumination iCONstruct software onboard Electronic Guide Light (EGL) guides rod-man left/right to correct alignment 3.5” coloured touch screen iCONstruct software onboard Illustrations, descriptions and technical data are not binding. All rights reserved. Printed in Switzerland – Copyright Leica Geosystems AG, Heerbrugg, Switzerland, 2014. 793559en - 04.14 – galledia Leica Geosystems AG Heerbrugg, Switzerland Leica iCON build Brochure Leica Geosystems AG Heerbrugg, Switzerland Leica Builder Brochure Leica iCON robot 60 Information Produit Leica iCON builder 60 Information Produit
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