Extraits du catalogue

1CorpsAcier au carbone ASTMAcier inoxydable 316 ASTMAlliage 20 ASTM A351Monel ASTM A494A216 Type WCBA351 Type CF8MType CN7MType M35-1 2Pice rapporteAcier au carbone ASTMAcier inoxydable 316L ASTM Alliage 20 ASTM A351Monel ASTM A494A216 Type WCBA351 Type CF8MType CN7MType M35-1 3BoisseauAcier inoxydable 316 > + ,Monel,Hastelloy CAlliage 20Monel,Hastelloy Ccomme sp詩cifi 4TigeAcier inoxydable 316 > + ,Monel,Hastelloy CAlliage 20Monel,Hastelloy Ccomme spcifi驩 5SigePTFE,XTREME,PFA 6Joint d'tanch詩it de corpsTFM 7Deuxime joint d'騩tanchit de tigeGraphite 8Joint d'驩tanchit de tige primairePTFE,TFM驮...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 6
Srie 7150 (non tourillon) 8" (DN 200) No.deNom de piceMat騩riau de corpspiceAcier au carboneAcier inoxydable 316 1CorpsAcier au carbone ASTM A216 Type WCBAcier inoxydable 316 ASTM A351 Type CF8M 2Chapeau de corpsAcier au carbone ASTM A216 Type WCBAcier inoxydable 316 ASTM A351 Type CF8M 3Boisseau > + Acier inoxydable 316,Monel > 1 ,HastelloyC > 1 - comme spcifi詩 5Tige > 3+ Acier inoxydable 316,Monel > 1 ,HastelloyC > 1 ,Acier inoxydable 17-4 PH - comme spcifi 7Si驨geXTREME,PTFE,PFA,Peek > 3,4 ,UHMW Polythylne - comme sp騩cifi 10Plaque de compression > 1 Acier inoxydable,Monel > 1 12Goujon de...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 10
Srie 7150 10" (DN 250),Sries 7300 & 730S 8"& 10" (DN 200 & 250) No.deNom de pi驨ceMatriau de corpspiceAcier au carbone (22) Toutes s騩riesAcier inoxydable 316 (36) Toutes sries 1CorpsAcier au carbone ASTM A216 Gr WCBAcier inoxydable 316 ASTM A351 Gr CF8M 2Chapeau de corpsAcier au carbone ASTM A216 Gr WCBAcier inoxydable 316 ASTM A351 Gr CF8M 3Boisseau > + Acier inoxydable 316,Alliage 20,Monel > 1 ,HastelloyC > 1 - comme spcifi驩 5Tige > + Acier inoxydable 316,Monel > 1 ,HastelloyC > 1 ,17-4 PH - comme spcifi 7Si驨geXTREME,PTFE - comme spcifi 8Arr驪t de tigeAcier au carbone ASTM A216 Gr WCBAcier...
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Ouvrir le catalogue en page 19
Subject to change without prior notice. Metso Automation Inc.Europe, Levytie 6, P.O. Box 310, 00811 Helsinki, Finland.Tel. +358 20 483 150. Fax +358 20 483 151 North America, 44 Bowditch Drive, P.O. Box 8044, Shrewsbury, MA01545, USA.Tel. +1 508 852 0200. Fax +1 508 852 8172 Europe, 6-8 rue du Maine, 68271 Wittenheim Cedex, France.Tel. +33 (0)3 89 50 64 00. Fax +33 (0)3 89 50 64 40 South America, Av. Independncia, 2500- Iporanga, 18087-101, Sorocaba-So PauloBrazil. Tel. +55 15 2102 9700. Fax +55 15 2102 9748/49 Asia Pacific, 238AThomson Road, #25-09 Novena Square Tower A, 307684...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 20Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Metso Automation
Neles Flow Control Solutions
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Slurry Hose System
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EtaCrush® series
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more capability brochure
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Primary gyratory stations
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Process Capacity IPS
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Mill discharge pumps
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Slurry pump basic
204 Pages
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Metso Slurry Pump program
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Vasa HD
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Metso Balance Cranes (MBC)
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Aftermarket Training
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Hot Kiln Survey
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Dryers and Coolers
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Coke Calcining Systems
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Metso pebble lime cooler
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Spiral Dewaterers
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LIMS dry drum
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HGMS cyclic
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HGMS Continuous
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LIMS iron ore
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Inclined Plate Settler
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Microcel Flotation Columns
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Flotation Machines DR
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Feed Forward for Flotation
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Flotation Machines RCS
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Tube press
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Tube press booster range
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Metso in filtration
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High efficiency cyclones
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Air Classifiers
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Gearless AG/SAG Mills
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Vertimill for limeslaking
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Grinding and enrichment
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Flue Gas Desulfurization
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Ball mills
2 Pages
Apron feeders
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Wobbler feeders
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Lokotrack CT3.2 and CW3
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HRC 800
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MP1250 Cone crusher
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Metso screening media
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Trellex dust control
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Metso lining and sheeting
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Trellex wear lining solutions
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Trellex PSV conveyor rollers
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Trellex flexopipe
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Trellex belt cleaning
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Trellex loading stations
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Trellex Cer-Lag
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Trellex belt guiding system
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Trellex conveyor accessories
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Jamesbury Valve Solutions
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Metso DNA Drive Controls
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Catalogues archivés
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Pneumatic Actuator
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Butterfly Valves
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Alkali Analyser
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Neles SwitchGuard
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Series 3000 Ball Valves
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Neles Manual Gear Actuators
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Actuator Accessories
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