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Infusion Systems


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Infusion Systems - 1

Precision Motors for Infusion Systems O p t i m i z e d p e r f o r m a n c e f o r r e l i a b i l i t y, versatility and patient comfort

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Infusion Systems - 2

PATIENT REQUIREMENTS PUMP DESIGN CHALLENGES PORTESCAP MINIATURE MOTORS PROVIDE MOBILITY – small and lightweight pumps SIZE – maintain performance in a smaller package POWER DENSITY – superior capability in a smaller footprint CONFIDENCE – trustworthy device that never fails to perform RELIABILITY & DURABILITY – ensure consistent/dependable deliveries and continued performance in extreme use DEPENDABILITY – high-quality components and manufacturing processes FREEDOM – independence from outlet power BATTERY LIFE – increase time between charges EFFICIENCY – lower current consumption for the...

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Infusion Systems - 3

Collaborative innovation. Dedicated resources. Committed resources from day one to help you achieve an optimal design with reduced time to market. Reliable partner. Reliable motors. The Fortive Business System Early engagement with Portescap’s Infusion Systems Motor Design Engineers accelerates your design process and opens doors for unique motion concepts. A s part of the Fortive Corporation, Portescap utilizes the Fortive Business System which enforces a culture of excellence, innovation, quality, on-time delivery and cost-effectiveness. Our Design Engineers are available for on-site...

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Infusion Systems - 4

high efficiency brush life patented Ultra ECTM Coll for longer life pump designs sa h a superlor motor, omization: rom mlnor modifications to complète motor designs, Cost Effective CHOOSE THE RIGHT TECHNOLOGY FOR YOUR APPLICATION Need something spécial? With our itérative design capabilities and flexible manufacturing processes, Portescap can quickly develop the right motor configuration for your specific application requirements. Motor customization not only helps shorten your assembly time, but also helps reduce the total cost of ownership. • Adaptation of mounting plates • Custom output...

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Infusion Systems - 5

More than just motors. Originated in Switzerland and driven by a passion for précision, customer-centric innovation, technical excellence and best-quality service since 1931, Portescap has become a recognized leading expert in miniature motors and precision motion control solutions for the infusion systems market. Motion solutions for better battery-powered devices. Europe Portescap S.A. Rue Jardinière 155, Case Postale CH-2301 La Chaux-de-Fonds Switzerland Tel: +41 32 925 61 11 China 4th Floor, Building 9, No 518 North Fuquan Road, Changning...

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Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Portescap S.A.

  1. 16ECP24

    1 Pages

  2. B16C-0-24

    1 Pages

  3. BRUSH DC motor

    12 Pages

  4. 35ecs

    4 Pages


    1 Pages

Catalogues archivés