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Infrared Source Séries 6x • Wide spectral output • Fast response • High puise rate • High modulation depth • High efficiency-low power consumption • Long life and cost effective • Custom design - many package options The HawkEye IR-6x Séries is a MEMS technology pulsable infrared emitter. This source is based on patented technology, utilizing a thin film resistor of diamond-like nanostructured amorphous carbon. Due to its low thermal massT the IR-€x Séries can be pulsed at frequencies up to 70+ hertz with good modulation depth (contrast The HawkEye IR-60 pulsed infrared emitter in a TOË header uses a micromachined source chip with a thin, high-emissivity membrane shown schematically below. The Barn. 10A Silver Street. Bradford on Avon. Wïltshire, BA15 1JY
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Operational Characteristics forthe IR-6x Séries The Barn. 10A Silver Street. Bradford on Avon. Wïltshire, BA15 1JY
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Typical Qperatinq Parameters Note: The Dperating parameters assume an infrared source operating without a radiator and at ambient température and pressure. A rectangular voltage pulsed at a frequency of 10 hertz and with a duty cycle of 50% is used for heating. If a longer duty cycle [or steady- state opération) is used; lower power levels are recommended in order to achieve the desired température. Also. proportionately shorter lifetime would be expected The Barn. 10A Silver Street. Bradford on Avon. Wïltshire, BA15 1JY
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Comparison of IR-6x Séries Models The Barn. 10A Silver Street. Bradford on Avon. Wïltshire, BA15 1JY
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Spectral Emission and Modulation Depth at Nominal Operating Conditions Spectral Emission - Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength The Barn. 10A Silver Street. Bradford on Avon. Wïltshire, BA15 1JY
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Operational Guidelines - Infrared Source Séries 6x The HawkEye IR-6x Séries utilizes a thin thermorésistive film of conducting amorphous (diamond-like) carbon. Infrared radiation is the resuit of heating this film by passing an electric current through it. The maximum température of the film should not exceed 750°C in continuous opération. A faint red luminescence of the film is observed during opération at températures near 750:C. Short term heating up to 850°C is possible but will reduce The operating parameters assume an infrared source operating without a radiator and at ambient...
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The HawkEye IR-6x Séries is the perfect solution for an application that requires fast electrical modulation. However, it can also be used in a steady state [de) mode. In applications where steady state power is used {or if used with electrical modulation but with a duty cycle of greater than 50%), it is recommended that the nominal input power spécifications be reduced in orderto avoid overheating of the membrane. On the other hand, by reducing the length of the heating puise or by increasing the frequency of modulation, the membrane will not have sufficient time to reach the desired...
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The IR-60, mounted in a TO-5 base with a windowless cap provides the smallest package and gives the widest output energy beam. FWHM (full width at half max) for the IR-60 is 100°, as demonstrated in the Normalized Angular Output Chart on page Potier Leade Note ail Jim^rsîon s in ïnehes- The Barn. 10A Silver Street. Bradford on Avon. Wïltshire, BA15 1JY
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The IR-65 utilizes a collimated HawkEye Optic to provide more than 12x the on-axis output. The package is 0.5 inches in diameter and 0.65 inches long. FWHM (full width at half max) for the IR-65 is 15°. See the Normalized Angular Output Chart on page 11. The combination of fast electrical modulation, low input power requirements and great on-axis output places this unit clearly in a class of its own! Mti-.fi «U dlrmilu'it In hn-it?!,. The Barn. 10A Silver Street. Bradford on Avon. Wïltshire, BA15 1JY
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The IR-66 is built upon the same technology as the IR-66, but has just 36% of the IR- 65 size. The package is 0.40 inches in diameter and 0.36 inches long. And yet it delivers 50% to 75% of the IR-65 on-axis output energy. FWHM (full width at half max) for the IR-66 is 20°. See the Normalized Angular Output Chart on page 11. The Barn. 10A Silver Street. Bradford on Avon. Wïltshire, BA15 1JY
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Normalized On-Axis Output Normalized Angular Output The Barn. 10A Silver Street. Bradford on Avon. Wïltshire, BA15 1JY
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 11Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Scitec Instruments
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