Convertisseur DC/DC 40 kW /350–450 V


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Convertisseur DC/DC 40 kW /350–450 V - 1

Trme-Püwer -TRÜNICÜ DC/DC energy converters kW range, general purpose DC/DC converters Smart DC/DC Oonverter Reversible COMET productline - Liquid cooled version FEATURES ■ Programmable DC/DC Smart Converter as current or voltage source ■ Regulation according to Voltage, Current or Power ■ Regulation of the Input or the Output ■ Buck / Boost transition controlled by CAN command ■ Parallel operations of several modules for higher power delivery without limitations (in current source mode only) ■ Liquid cooled ■ 19’’ form factor available APPLICATIONS ■ Fuel cell power permanent max power & references 85660 St-Philbert-de-Bouaine - France TRONICO reserves the right to make any changes without prior notice - Tame-Power® is a registered trade

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Convertisseur DC/DC 40 kW /350–450 V - 2

mechanical data CONNECTORS supplier single unit DOUBLE unit 26 rue du Bocage 85660 St-Philbert-de-Bouaine - France TRONICO reserves the right to make any changes without prior notice - Tél. +33 (0)2 51 41 91 35 - Tame-Power® is a registered trade-mark of TRONICO

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