TVM Series - 6-axis Robots
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TVM Series - 6-axis Robots - 1

Controller MACHINE New Product Information ■ Controller Spécifications TSL3200E CE compliant *: Ethernet is a registered trademark of XEROX Corp. in the U.S.A. CC-Link is a registered trademark of CC-Link Partner Association. DeviceNet and EtherNet/IP are registered trademarks of ODVA. Profibus is a registered trademark of PROFIBUS User Organization. EtherCAT® is registered trademark and patented technology, iicensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany. VERTICAL ARTICULATED ROBOT Right-side view Teach pendant Optional TP1000-6ax Standard Teach pendant EASY INTRODUCTION OF BIN-PICKING AUTOMATION SYSTEM TP3000 Teach pendant equipped with graphic operation keys TOSHIBA MACHINE CO., LTD. head office ■ System Robot Control Systems Sales Department, Control Systems Division □ Servo System 2068-3, Ooka, Numazu-shi, Shizuoka-ken 410-8510, Japan □ Programmable Controller TEL:[81]-(0)55-926-5032 FAX:[81]-(0)55-925-6527 ————- A Before operatlng the Industrial robot, read through and completely TM ROBOTICS (AMERICAS] IIMC. Caution underetand the instruction man 755 Greenleaf Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007, U.S.A. TEL:[1]-847-709-7308 TM ROBOTICS [EUROPE] LTD. Vr Unit 2, Bridge Gate Centre, Martinfield, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL7 1JG, UK TEL:[44]-(0)1707-290370 URL : ■ The Contents in this document are subject to change without prior notice.

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TVM Series - 6-axis Robots - 2

VERTICAL ARTICULATED ROBOT Toshiba Machine's vertical articulated Robot TVM series achieves high inertia and strong payload capabilities up to 20 kg, while at the same time the robot body has a reduced weight. In addition to three variations in arm lengths, the operating range can be further expanded by mounting the robot on an optional linear actuator. The Robot TVM series, in combination with its function-rich controller and software solutions such as programming-support PC software and 3D vision bin-picking package, is applicable to I IHn * a wide range of automation needs and contribute...

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