OPUS Catalogue


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OPUS Catalogue - 2

Technik fiir Mensch & Maschine Technique pour Homme & Machine Tecnologia para TexHMKa fljifl

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OPUS Catalogue - 3

opus@wachendorff.de www.wachendorff-elektronik.de Sales Director Thilo Nagel Technical Support Katharina Walesch Technical Support Nadeem Khan Stefan Kling Sales CIS, Australia, Asia Peter Goebel 2585 Millenium Drive, Suite i United States of America rp@wachendorff.de www.wachendorffUSA.com

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OPUS Catalogue - 4

32-Bit, zwei CANbus Ports, USB, IP67, erhältlich als Ein- oder Anbaugerät für Quer- oder Hochformat, optional Touchscreen und das alles für kleines Geld. 32-Bit, two CANbus ports, USB, IP67, available as built-in equipment or attachment for portrait or landscape format and optional touch screen, and that all for just a little money. 32 bits, deux ports CANbus, USB, IP67, disponible comme modèle à encastrer ou en saillie pour format vertical ou horizontal, avec écran tactile en option. Le tout pour un prix dérisoire. 32 bits, dos puertos CANbus, USB, IP67, disponible como dispositivo...

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OPUS Catalogue - 5

Standalone or dashboard mount, orientation landscape or portrait excl. connectors and cables USER INTERFACE Optional analog-resistive touchscreen Plezo alarm approx 65 dBA Optional 4 analog or digital Inputs (selectable via software), 3 digital outputs 1 USB 2.0 full speed on main connector Optional Ethernet 10/100 Mbit Optional 1 Composite CCITT video input, PAL 50 Hz color coding / NTSC, input level Video overlay with video layer for background REAL TIME CLOCK Buffered for 2 weeks by gold cap, Analog/Digital I/O: On main connector Ethernet: 4-pole round connector, Video: 5-pole round...

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OPUS Catalogue - 6

Wenn es so gut und so günstig wie das A3 Eco sein soll, aber gewisse Extras nicht fehlen dürfen, dann ist das OPUS A3s die richtige Wahl: Mit Drehgeber, drei Hard- und acht Soft-Keys. When the device should be as good and inexpensive as the A3 Eco, but certain extra features should not be missing, then the OPUS A3s is the right choice: With encoder, three hard and eight soft function keys. L’OPUS A3s est le choix idéal pour ceux qui cherchent un appareil aussi fiable et économique que l’A3 Eco sans pour autant renoncer à une série de fonctions extra. Avec codeur intégré, trois touches non...

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OPUS Catalogue - 7

Standalone or dashboard mount, orientation landscape or optional portrait I nel encoder, exel connector and cables USER INTERFACE Optional analog-resistive touchscreen Key backlighting - blue, adjustable 1 encoder with push click to enter 1 multicolor LED and 3 status LEDs Plezo alarm approx 65 dBA Optional 4 analog or digital inputs (selectable via software), 3 digital outputs 1 USB 2.0 full speed on main connector, optional 1 USB 2.0 high speed on front Optional Ethernet 10/100 Mbit Optional Bluetooth® 2.0, Class 2 Optional 1 Composite CCITT video input, PAL 50 Hz color coding / NTSC,...

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OPUS Catalogue - 8

32-Bit, 532 MHz, zwei CANbus Ports, USB, True Outdoor, erhältlich als Ein- oder Anbaugerät für Queroder Hochformat, optional Touchscreen und viele SchnittstellenOptionen. Was will man mehr? 32-Bit, 532 MHz, two CANbus ports, USB, true outdoor display, available as built-in equipment or attachment for portrait or landscape format, optional touch screen and many other interface options. What more does one want? 32 bits, 532 MHz, deux ports CANbus, USB, True Outdoor. Disponible comme modèle à encastrer ou en saillie pour format vertical ou horizontal, avec écran tactile en option et une grande...

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OPUS Catalogue - 9

Standalone or dashboard mount, orientation landscape or portrait TFT, transmissive, optional AR-Folle USER INTERFACE Optional analog-resistive touchscreen with foil surface 4 analog or digital Inputs (selectable via software), 3 digital outputs 1 USB 2.0 full speed on main connector Optional Ethernet 10/100 Mbit Optional Bluetooth® 2.0, Class 2 1, optional 3 Composite CCITT video input, PAL 50 Hz color coding / NTSC, input level Video overlay with video layer for background Camera Control Output REAL TIME CLOCK Buffered for 2 weeks by gold cap, Main: AMP Super Seal, 26 pin Ethernet: 4-pole...

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OPUS Catalogue - 10

Wenn das gewisse Extra nicht fehlen darf, dann ist das OPUS A6s Ihr Typ: Mit Drehgeber, drei Hard- und zwölf Soft-Keys sowie Optionen wie Ethernet, Bluetooth®, bis zu drei Kameraeingängen u.v.m. When that certain extra features should not be missing then the OPUS A6s is your man: With encoder, three hard and twelve soft function keys, as well as options like Ethernet, Bluetooth®, up to three camera inputs and much more. Si vous ne voulez pas renoncer aux petits extras, l’OPUS A6s est la solution idéale. Avec encodeur, trois touches non programmables et douze touches programmables, ainsi...

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OPUS Catalogue - 11

Standalone or dashboard mount, orientation landscape or optional portrait Optional antl-reflectlve coated glass USER INTERFACE Optional analog-resistive touchscreen Key backlighting - blue, adjustable 1 encoder with push click to enter 1 multicolor LED and 3 status LEDs 4 analog or digital Inputs (selectable via software), 3 digital outputs 1 USB 2.0 full speed on main connector, optional 1 USB 2.0 high speed on front Optional Ethernet 10/100 Mbit Optional Bluetooth® 2.0, Class 2 1, optional 3 Composite CCITT video input, PAL 50 Hz color coding / NTSC, input level Video overlay with video...

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OPUS Catalogue - 12

Das A1rvc mit Intel® Atom™ CPU kombiniert starke Leistung mit der Robustheit eines Wachendorff Bediengerätes. Vier CANbus Ports, RS232, WLAN, GSM, GPS, Ethernet, Bluetooth®, USB, SD, bis zu acht Kameras – Fast alles ist möglich. The A1rvc with Intel® Atom™ CPU combines strong performance with the robustness of a Wachendorff console. Four CANbus ports, RS-232, WLAN, GSM, GPS, Ethernet, Bluetooth®, USB, SD and up to eight cameras – Almost anything is possible. Doté d’un processeur Intel® Atom™, le A1rvc allie les performances et la robustesse d’un terminal opérateur Wachendorff. Quatre ports...

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Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Topcon Electronics GmbH & Co. KG

  1. OPUS B2 Full

    11 Pages

  2. OPUS B2 Basic

    11 Pages

  3. C – Series

    14 Pages

  4. OPUS A3s FULL

    10 Pages


    10 Pages

  6. OPUS A6e FULL

    10 Pages


    10 Pages

  8. OPUS A6s FULL

    10 Pages

  9. OPUS A6s

    8 Pages

  10. OPUS A6e

    8 Pages

  11. OPUS A3s

    8 Pages

  12. OPUS A3e

    8 Pages

  13. OPUS A8s

    8 Pages

  14. OPUS A8e

    8 Pages

  15. OPUS 46

    6 Pages

  16. OPUS 21d

    6 Pages

Catalogues archivés

  1. OPUS A3e FULL

    10 Pages