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R7C.716 Color Screen Smart Thermostat Quick configuration of WiFi connection via BLE Technology super convenient 0 3 . 1 1 Thur Programmable device, multiple periods allowed to set per day 2.8 inches large colorful LCD screen, delicate visual effect The device can be controlled by voice via Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant Parameter Supply voltage Application Model Application Modèle 716 Capteur limit+ Programmation hebdomadaire Floor sol sensor + Weekly programming 716 716S + 485Modbus(716S only) 716S + 485 Modbus (716S seulement) Floor 703 A NC/NO dual-output + Programmation A NC/NO dual-output + Weekly programming Chauffage Floor heating au sol Chauffage 703 heating 703S + 485Modbus (703S only) au sol 703S hebdomadaire + 485 Modbus (703S seulement) 723 Weekly programming + Potential-free output 723 723S Pogrammation hebdomadaire+Potential+ 485Modbus (723S only) 723S free output + 485Modbus (723S seulement) 743 Timer task + 2-pipe system Minuterie + double système 743 Timer task + 2-pipe system + Potential-free output 853 Minuterie + double système + Potential-free output + limit sensor (optional) + Room card (optional) Heating /Cooling / 853 853S + capteur sol (option) + room card (option) Fan coil + 485Modbus(853S only) Heating Ventilation /Cooling / 853S Fan Coil + 485Modbus(853S seulement) Potential-free output Timer task + 4-pipe system + Ventilation 863 Minuterie + 4 systèmes+ Potential-free output + limit sensor (optional) + Room card (optional) 863 863S + capteur sol (optional) + carte mère (optional) + 485Modbus (863S only) 863S +485Modbus(863S seulement) Floor heating & fan coil, weekly programming Fan-Coil with 963 Plancher chauffant & ventilation, programmation + Potential-free output + Timer task Fan-Coil with Integrated Floor-Heating 963S hebdomadaire + Potential-free output + + limit sensor (optional)+ Room card (optional) 963 Integrated air condition system Floor-Heating + 485Modbus (963S only) air condition system 963S minuterie + limit sensor (optional)+ Room card (optional) + 485Modbus(963S only) Protection level System mode S ystem mode Ambient temperature Version Version On/on deviation Product Overview This series of thermostat has Floor Heating, Fan and Integrated version, This series of thermostat has Floor Heating, Fan Coil, Coil, and Integrated version, meeting the requirements of different scenarios. meetingthe requirements of different scenarios. Floor limited range Temp. setting range Power consumption Shell material WiFi setting Press “ ” for 3 seconds to access menu. Turn the“ ” choose “WiFi setting”, and then choose “ Bluetooth Mode ”, press “ ” confirm. The device enters the distribution network state. Bluetooth Mode Access Point Mode Bluetooth Mode Wi-Fi setting Access Point Mode Bluetooth Mode(S uggest) Access Point Mode Plea se don't lea ve, Access Point is in the network... Plea se don't lea ve, Bluetooth is in the network... Time Task Setting (Fan coil/integrated) Under power-on status, long press menu button “ ” to enter the menu page. Continue by choosing auto mode followed by schedule. Set the parameters and press menu button. Return to previous page. Finally, press wind speed button “ ” to activate the timer switch function. S chedule Ta sk Time S etting Repea t Symbols on display Child-proof lock Frost protection WiFi Room humidity Сlock Date/week Outdoor temp. Outdoor humidity Fan coil valve Room temp. Working mode Fan Auto Mode Manual Mode Temporary Mode Floor heating valve Fan speed Power on/off key Temperature Control Mode (Floor heating/integrated) Auto Mode Weekly program, up 6 heating periods can be set per day. Heating periods, points of time and temperature can be individually set accoring to personal requirements. Manual Mode In this mode, thermostat operates acc. to manually set temperature. In this mode, auto mode is switched-off. Temporary Mode Thermostat operates for limited time acc. to manually set temperatures and return to auto mode until next intervention. User Operation tion Us er Opera Power on/off: Press seconds “ ” for ” for thermostat either on or off Power on/off : Press for 3for 3 seconds “ tuning tuning thermostat either on or off. Temp. setting: Rotate wheel for ” to change setting temperature 0.5°C. Temp. setting : Rotate handwheel “ change of set temperature by by 0.5°C. System mode: Press “ ” shortly to switch manual/auto mode. (Floor heating) System mode : Press “ ” shortly to switch manual/auto mode. (Floor heating) Press “ ” shortly to switch cooling/heating/ventilation. Press “ “ shortly to switch cooling/heating/ventilation. (fan coil) Press ” ” shortly to switch cooling/heating/ventilation/floor Press “ ” shortly to switch + heating. (Integrated) heating / floor heating cooling/heating/ventilation/ ventilation/floor heating/floor to enter the menu interface. Enter menu: Press “ ” for 3 secondsheating + heating. (Integrated) TempEnter menu : Press “ “ 3 seconds to enter the menu interface.mode. (Integrated, control mode: Press ” ” shortly to switch manual/auto Temp control : Press “ heating) to switch manual/auto mode. (Integrated, floor heating) floor ” shortly mode Child-proof lock: Press “ + “ ” + ” for ” for 3 seconds to activate child-proof lock. “ 3 seconds to activate child-proof lock Child-lock : Press “ ” Advanced settings (professional operation) In power-on status press menu button several seconds. Enter menu page and choose engineer mode. Enter password 123456 for access to advanced setting page. Finalize setting and press button to save and exit. Funktion list ModBus address Sensor calibration Temp. difference Max. setting value Min. setting value Anti-freeze protection Temperature unit °C / °F Built-in sensor Floor sensor Sensor mode Built-in control & floor limitation Floor temperature +20 °C … +90 °C (+68 °F … +194 °F) limit Monday to Friday Weekday mode Monday to Saturday Monday to Sunday Fan speed controllable Fan control settings 00: Fan speed uncontrolled 01: Linkage time delay 0 … 5 min, 0 min None Child-proof lock Lock All All but power Function Off Boot type Function On Function Saved OFF Room card status Enter energy saving temperature Remove card shutdown Room card heating +10 °C … +21 °C (+50 °F … +69 °F) ECO temp
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