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Lenkgabel aus Stahlblech, verzinkt Pressed steel fork assembly, zinc-plated Chape, en t䕴le dacier emboutie, zinguҩe > Schwenklager mit zweifachem Kugelkranz > Swivel head with double ball race > Double rangթe de billes > Wheel axle bolted > Resistant to working temp. from 10ְC to +80C, option: > Rsistantes aux tempratures de 驖10C Р +80C, option: > Quiet running performance > Lդuft leicht ber Hindernisse > Easy running over obstacles > Roulement facile sur obstacles ArtikelbezeichnungCode-No.Rfrence-No.Teile Nr. / Ident-No. mm x mm mmmm mm mm mm mm mm kgFSTF R驤der Wheels Roues 100 x 3684550160KND100/36/1 R-FA183527125 x 38104550200KND125/38/1 R-FA180682 Lenkrollen mit Rckenloch Swivel castors with bolt hole Roulettes pivotantes 제il 100 x 3612,57412740160KND R 02/100/36 R-FA-VV183530183531125 x 38126915438150KND RR 03/125/38 R-FA178236N178237N 125 x 3812,57415440200KND RR 03/125/38 R-FA-VV180523N183532N ArtikelbezeichnungCode-No.Rfrence-No. Teile Nr. / Ident-No. mmmm x mm mm mm mm mm kgFSTRFSTF Lenkrollen Swivel castors Roulettes pivotantes 80100 x 36105 x 8076 x 60912840160KND L 02/100/36 R-FA-VV181510驖18151180125 x 38105 x 8076 x 60915538200KND LL 03/125/38 R-FA178239N178240175553N80125 x 38105 x 8076 x 60915540200KND LL 03/125/38 R-FA-VV181512181513 125 x 38135 x 110105 x 801115548200KND L015/125/38 R-FA178242N178243178244N 75 Bockrollen Fixed castors Roulettes fixes 80100 x 36102 x 9076 x 609128160KND B 02/100/36 R-FA-VV181516֖80125 x 38102 x 8776 x 609155200KND BB 03/125/38 R-FA173775֖80125 x 38102 x 9076 x 609155200KND BB03/125/38 R-FA-VV181518֖ 125 x 38135 x 114105 x 8011155200KND B015/125/38 R-FA178245֖ 75 >
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Automotive industry
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Castors & Wheels
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Roulettes d’échafaudages
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